Wednesday, 4 June 2014

It's June in Caversham and all green foliage is taking over in many places!

Time to cut back and trim those hedges, lawns and but wait...  keep some lawn for wildflowers instead.

Today we see reforms to pensions, shale-gas exploration, tax-free childcare and new garden cities to be announced in UK.

What with the NHS facing dire challenges and inequality abound in society, glad the Green Party in the UK which I support and a member and hopefully will be elected to be candidate in Caversham for 2015 (General Election year), is for fairness, transparency and the common good. I am very pleased to be highlighting our hard work and we gained 14 more seats in UK.

After the elections, I came third this year but had more voters so I am very pleased. 

Josh Williams in Park Ward and Cllr Rob White for the Reading Green Party were elected. So pleased their hard work has paid off.

In Caversham proposed development of St Martin's Precinct can be found on  Please send your comments on what you would like to have for caversham centre and any issues you feel that are not being addressed, send your views.  

From the recent meeting, many people didn't like the glass and box like building. They wondered where any red bricks were like the other side of the road on Church Street. And people also concerned with any extra flooding risk in the area.

Caversham has Readybikes almost in place. You will be able to join on line then tap in code and hire a bike.

With summer days here (well it is 3rd June)....., many things to celebrate including the Caversham Festival, Reading East Festival, Waterfest, Cinema screenings in Caversham Court Gardens, and ofcourse a sport called Football!   World Cup Football this year! And just having enjoyed The Big Lunch at St John's Church, Caversham - steady stream of guests attending on the day, lovely array of foods to try. Thank you to everyone who participated.

With environmental issues we now have hydropower coming for Caversham Weir. join if we want to help environment more. About time Reading made more use of its natural assets for energy.

We are lagging behind many countries to cut carbons and have greener energy. US has taken its first step to cap carbon emissions from power plants by the next 15 years! 

We are however, increasingly building more solar farms in UK and incentives are in place until 2015.

Reading Station will officially be opened by the Queen next month the £895M development will also benefit from Cross Rail coming to Reading.

With a new allotment to look after, so excited many things to plant and organise and tend to and casework to do for caversham residents, love my community.

Also holiday time off to look forward to. Hope for sunny days to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, have you ever visited the community garden in Amersham Road? Its behind the Amersham Road community centre. There is a Gardening Club there every Saturday from 10.30 am to 12.30. We are really far behind because the garden was flooded earlier in the year and got contaminated with sewage. The Council would not let us open until the beginning of May and we are still digging over the beds and putting everything back to order. We have strawberries, potatoes, parsnips, beetroot and sunflowers planted at the moment. I wanted to go to MERL and see if I could buy some tomato plants to put in one of the beds, but a family problem cropped up and I couldn't make it. We also have a planter at the front of the Community centre planted up with bee friendly plants. We are trying to encourage more people to come to the garden and take up a plot to tend. We had a wonderful crop of strawberries last year which proved very popular! If you're free one Saturday morning, we would love to meet you.

    I spent today at a Community paper journalism training session at the Amersham Road community centre. We exchanged lots of ideas about what the content of the paper would be and how it could raise awareness of community events and issues. There is another session next Wednesday from 10 am to around 2 pm. It is free and open to anyone interested in getting involved. We hope to generate content in the next few weeks and have a proofreading session in Qxford and final layout by 2nd July, with a print run and 2,000 copies to be distributed in the local area. Would you be interested? After next weeks session the remaining two sessions before the Oxford proofreading are on Thursdays. The first few papers will be quarterly with a view to becoming monthly in the long term, and if there is enough support, perhaps even bi weekly. Every copy will of course have an events page, never again will I miss the Big Lunch! Would you be interested in getting involved?
